
(A) 文法: 1. 時態  2. there + be

(B) 閱讀策略:
1. 辨識與使用列舉與列點/因果關係的轉承詞 

2. 看上下文猜某單字字義

(C) SDGs永續發展+環保議題: 世界地球日相關背景介紹閱讀

(D) 主題單字與應用(寫作): 環保與全球暖化議題單字


(A) 會考時態概念複習: 看上下文決定動詞的時態: 

情境: 看過去綠地逐漸被城市所取代的都市化地貌變遷

1. There + was/were/used to be + N in the year _____: 某地過去某年有什麼

2. There is/are + N now: 某地的現狀描述

3. 結合現在完成式轉承詞講述從過去到現在的改變:

A lot of things have changed in this area.

For example, there (have/has) been more and more _______________________________.

There (have/has) been more and more ______________________________________, too.

Besides, there have been fewer and fewer _______________________________________.

Also, there has been less and less _______________________________________.

What’s more, ___________________________________________ (have/has) disappeared.

練習以下liveworksheet 比較不同時態(點我連結): 



再回到Seesaw 請學生用現在完成式造句並錄音:

There have been more and more buildings/houses/cars/people.

There has been more and more air/water pollution.

There have been fewer and fewer trees/animals/plants/rivers/.

There has been less and less clean water/air.

Trees/Green land+ have/has disappeared.

以上 Seesaw完成句子並錄音作業請點以下連結:

(B) 進階情境式造句練習:

先點選 Google Earth Day 2022 連結: 呈現不同地區20-50年來的地貌改變證明全球暖化

每一個地區照片底下都有Google Earth連結秀出該地照片後,



1. 看圖造句描述圖片:

In 2000, there was a lot of ice in Greenland.

But now, there is less and less ice.

2. 推論因果: make inferences

Temperatures have risen in the past 20 years, so ice has disappeared slowly since 2000.

3. 看圖和剛剛以上造的句子猜字義:

    glacier (n): (A) island (B) mountain  (C) iced river (D) ocean
    retreat (v): (A) go up (B) go away (C) get larger (D) get thicker
    summit (n): (A) the top of a mountain (B) the bottom of a mountain (C) the side of a mountain (D) the corner of a mountain





(C) 全球議題,在地主題: 導入氣候變遷議題情境繼續做句型時態練習:


(也可以針對某地區使用 Google Earth 與百年歷史地圖功能介紹:
 [檢視] 接下來 [歷史圖像],或按一下 3D 檢視器上方的「時間」圖示 Time )


老師舉例: 珊瑚白化 (Coral bleaching) 圖片來源:  台灣潛水Taiwan Dive Center



30 years ago, there were many beautiful coral reefs under the sea in Kenting.

But now, there are more and more white reefs because the coral reefs are dead.

推論: Many coral reefs have been dead in the past 30 years because of .

老師PPT補充: It's called coral bleaching.

請學生猜單字意思: What does "coral bleaching" mean? 
(A) coral reefs turn white.  (B) Coral reefs become cleaner. (C) Coral reefs get eaten

(D) Earth Day 介紹影片與英文閱讀文章:

我做的互動式ISL collective Earth Day影片,讓學生可以逐段搶答

Epic線上電子書:搜尋Earth Day 找有聲書,書後都有quiz


Earth Day reading comprehension worksheet閱讀與字彙大比拚: 可以做為線上作業讓學生課前就先完成

1. History of Earth Day and Main Concepts: 環境議題單字介紹與閱測進階級
2. History of Earth Day and Main Concepts: 環境議題單字介紹與閱測基礎級

3. What action can we take to save the earth?環保行動單字 worksheet


4. Earth Day Minibook: 環保小書製作 鷹架學習單: 

5. 環保日常習慣口說survey學習單

(E) 用以上閱測學到的環保議題單字短文寫作做小書並錄音: What can we do to save the earth?

(app: Seesaw/pages/Keynote/Google slide+mote/Flipgrid 都可以)

    創作者 英語教師Jennifer 的頭像

    英檢多益雅思滿分教師,學測指考作文滿分,留學(托福TOEFL,雅思IELTS, SAT, ACT)指導,國中會考,全民英檢 xmalsteen@gmail.com

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